The Chapter House of the Alpha Phi Chapter of the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta is located at 707 Oxford Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. This is a block away from “The Rock” and a short walk to campus. This location has been home to the fraternity since about 1901 and is the largest house, per square foot, on campus.
The house is owned by the Alpha Phi Association of the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity, a non-profit corporation, for the benefit of the chapter. The property is managed by the board of directors of this corporation (“Alpha Phi Board”), which is a volunteer group of graduate brothers dedicated to ensuring that the fraternity house is a viable resource for future brothers.
The fraternity house consists of two parts, the “Old House” and the “New House.” The Old House is the original structure which actually looks like a house built in the early 1880s, and the New House is the cinderblock and brick addition that was added on in 1967. The Alpha Phi Board raised money in 2001-2002 to modestly renovate the New House in the summer of 2002. Then, the board conducted a broad fundraising campaign from 2003 through 2006 that largely funded two major renovations in 2004 and 2006 of the Old House. These renovations replaced all of the major house systems (electrical, heating, plumbing), and rebuilt the kitchen, bathrooms, resident rooms and common areas. In addition, a sprinkler system and whole house security system were installed for the safety of the men living in the house. As with all physical structures, the house is constantly being maintained and updated as necessary. For example, in the fall of 2013, we completely replaced the network/internet system. Since then, we have been constantly tweaking and upgrading the system to account for the changes in technology and bandwidth needs. Beyond this, we have been focusing on general facility maintenance and upgrades (HVAC, plumbing, electrical, roof, etc.) with any available funds not otherwise going towards paying down the $500,000 mortgage necessitated by the renovations.
The fraternity house has been home to most of the Alpha Phi Chapter brothers and we look forward to welcoming the incoming class.
Last modified: December 26, 2023